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Midweek Getaway

Midweek Getaway

Vacations in all forms are such a welcome respite.  Provincial vacations though, are just special.  All mankind must experience being in a province and getting into the local scene even once in his or her lifetime.  To the ones who have access to it, take advantage!...
When in Bangkok, Gaggan!

When in Bangkok, Gaggan!

Everytime I think of Gaggan, I am so overwhelmed with adjectives, I don’t know where or how to even begin…  Let me collect my thoughts and contain my excitement so that I am able to emphasize how special this place is.  Gaggan is today’s #1...
When in Bangkok, Bo.lan!

When in Bangkok, Bo.lan!

This is post number 1 of 3, from my most recent trip to Thailand. Bo.lan Thai restaurant came highly recommended.  They are rated #37 in Asia.  Their food is delicious and what I like most about this place is that they respect the environment and are staunch on their...
Balesin’s Royal Villa

Balesin’s Royal Villa

Balesin’s Royal Villa Happy New Year!  I’m back.  I’m also off vacation mode and am ready and excited to get back to work.  We spent the new year at the beach, and i wanted to share my new discovery with you.  New year holidays are spent with my mom...

Little Mermaid Bakery

LITTLE MERMAID, Harbour City, Hong Kong branch I am not a dessert person but when I like something sweet, I totally obsess. It’s a rare occasion, but once in a while, it happens.  Right now, this Japanese bake shop, is occupying my every thought and taking over...