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photo 2Because we love to be inspired in every aspect, here’s something about a cute married couple, whose dynamics really impressed me. They know how to make it work— at a young age. They keep this up and I can see this relationship lasting forever and standing the test of time… Marco Rodriguez (V.P. for sales/marketing for Rodclay Roofing, Inc. during the week and chef on weekends) and Rosanna Ocampo (fashion designer), have a recipe for success! They work everyday and juggle their busy schedules to spend quality time w their adorable son, Alejandro. I love talking to Rosanna when I visit her atelier just as much as I love Marco’s dishes. His passion for cooking is inspiring. Her passion for life is contagious!

I asked them a few questions and here is how they summed it up for me.

Marco: I usually cook during the weekends. In that way, I have more time to spend in the kitchen; as well as with my family. I find this very therapeutic. When the orders begin piling up, you’ll find me in the kitchen more often than that—utilizing the hours after my workday to spend quality time with my family, re-charge a bit, then hit the kitchen once again. I am also constantly in research mode; testing and developing new dishes to include in Xàncho’s ever-evolving repertoire. I likewise always find time to work-out in order to strike a perfect balance health-wise.

photo 3Rosanna: I wake up around 7am and spend around an hour with my son before a very quick breakfast with my hubby to make it in the Atelier by 9. My days are always full of meetings and it’s usually 5pm by the time I know it. Exercise has been part of my routine for as long as I can remember, so I look forward to ending a workday several times a week with a visit to the gym before finally kicking my shoes off to relax with my baby boy. Dinner is a favorite meal for us both, so we do this the Spanish way—late and con calma. The pace is unhurried so this is our time to exchange the highs and lows of our day over soft music and often, some wine. My husband is big on dates and we always have one night a week where we dress up to enjoy a nice meal out. I dressed up for him all the time before we got married so I don’t see any reason why it should stop now.

There are of course days when we choose to take it easy and make do with a movie in and a big bowl of carbs in our bedroom. We’re both quite busy so a long one on one date like how it always used to be works. And it works well. We enjoy our weekends (brunch at home is always something to look forward to when Marco is involved) at the pool, mall or at our favorite quick escape, Balesin.

There was a lot to pick up from how this young couple strike a balance in their marriage and daily life.

Quality time, exercise, passion for what they do, date nights, communication, travel and a son they adore. Lovely…