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As i sit here at home and ponder the year that has been, i want to thank you for being kind to me. your contribution to my blogs success is priceless…

What am I Certain Of?

Before I go on about the year that was, know that my contest is still ongoing. You can still leave your comments here regarding what YOU are grateful for.  Get the chance to win some exciting prices.  I’d really love to hear from you.  I adore the positivity that comes from grateful hearts.  They are a joy to read.
I started my blog a year ago and as I reach my one year milestone, I praise the Lord for giving me the wisdom to share.  I may have gone off the beaten path at times but He has never left me empty with what He wanted to use me for and share with you.  So here I am yet again, on “my what I am certain of series.”  This time, writing about  pruning.  What is pruning? Dictionary wise, pruning is a horticultural practice involving the selective removal of parts of a plant, such as branches, buds or roots.  Reasons to prune plants include deadwood removal, shaping, maintaining health and preparing the plant for increasing the yield or quality of flowers and fruits.
Don’t worry, this is not a piece on gardening!  The biblical definition of pruning is quite the same, except it relays to us humans.  The process of pruning is important.  Everyone we meet in life has a purpose.  Throughout our lives, some stay and some go. Some are merely passing. But all, with a purpose. Some hurt you and are exposed while others are magical blessings.
I’ve always thought I had a pretty good gift and grasp of discernment, but truly, God is more powerful when there is a lesson to be learned and our judgement is clouded.  He allows us to falter in our discernment in order for Him to teach us some valuable lessons that are pivotal to our growth.  In this one year, I have met all sorts of people and characters.  Most of these encounters have brought the most special friendships.  Some have become partners and collaborators.  Yet, a very few (okay, just one for the year) have proven to be lesson(s).  I don’t say this in a negative way.  I say it with much gratitude in my heart that God showed me there are certain attitudes I should not pick up by constant association.  New encounters are great.  But when you notice negativity, a habit of complaining about others or not being happy for another’s success, don’t wait.  Distance.
We are all different, some of us reserved and some of us very open.  I am one of those who is open. I welcome new friendships and go into them with absolute trust.  But sometimes, it doesn’t always prove to be what I expected.  I learned a lesson about opening up my heart and home to someone that had something negative to say about me this year.  My personal life was talked about including the people in my circle and my family.  I should’ve seen the warning signs but yes, God allowed it!  I am sure many of you can relate.
The good in all this?  I came out with a sharper sense of discernment.  I cultivated closer ties with people who had my back.  Yes, there are angels in our midst!  I cannot love in halves, my love for my family and friends is overflowing.  I go over and beyond.  But sometimes, things happen.  And being in close communication with the Holy Spirit is a must.  It sharpens us.  What I am certain of; is that pruning is Gods protection.
God prunes people from our lives to save us from disaster.  He does this to develop our character into not becoming the negativity that we have been exposed to.  I feel blessed when pruning occurs because I know my Father loves me, is protecting me, wants to grow me, advance me and make me dependent on Him.
Cultivating a conscious inner conversation with the Holy Spirit throughout the day will make you sharp and sensitive to Gods leading.  He will lead the way to the right relationships with the people you are meant to have in your life, lifetime.

credits to @spiritualword on instagram for these sayings

John 15;2 says, Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. English Standard Version.
May the coming year be full of Gods grace, let us all be open to His pruning and blessings!